We Tell You Just A Little About Mike Poulet

Mike Poulet Speaks: As discussed, Gananoque was my first ever shuffleboard tournament.  Other than playing some sand shuffleboard on the beach in Florida as a teen, this was my first time shuffling since then, let alone to shuffle in a tournament.

When my friend, Ray Contant, spoke to me about this tournament a few weeks back and invited me to join him, I thought it was a great idea to come as I hadn’t played in decades.  I was a little nervous and apprehensive at first, but was warmly welcomed by those whom I played with and against.  I didn’t realize how much I actually enjoyed the game and I’m already looking forward to joining our local club just outside Cornwall ON, as well as partaking in upcoming tournaments.    Mike Poulet; “hooked on Shuffling”!!

Stan speaks:  What a great example of the impact a discussion about shuffleboard can have!!  Had Ray not extended the invitation to Mike, we would not be sharing this wonderful story!!  I urge each reader to reach out to a friend, to invite him or her to try the great game of shuffleboard.  Incidentally, Mike did make it to the 3rd round, and enthusiastically remained until the conclusion of the 2 Day Event!!

Stan McCormack.  2016 08 15.

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