The MASTERS! Might you Win? Might you Lose? By Earl Ball

Given that we embark on the 2014 Masters, I thought you would like to see what Masters Regular Earl Ball has to say!!

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FSA_Logo[1] I bet many of you have thought of what it is like to win the “Masters”.  The excitement and ecstasy of a Champion!  It’s a great feeling.

Now, put yourself in the position of losing the “Masters”.  A couple of players will be OK because they came close.  They will only kick themselves for a little while thinking about that game they had won, but lost.  A few will be thrilled just that they made it and got the White Jacket that proves they are one of the best in the game.

Then there is the rest!  They are hit with dejection and disappointment and it lasts for months.  Here they are having completed a very successful season; certainly they have proven they are among the elite and yet they lost the last Tournament of the season; the “Masters”.  It’s true; they should feel like winners just being there but…

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