Player Names of the 3rd IP to be held in Dieppe NB

Canadian Crest We told you in the posting, earlier to-day,  that we would post the names of Playing Personnel in the 3rd Canadian IP (Inter Provincial)  to be held in Dieppe New Brunswick.  Practice begins Monday, July 22nd at noon as does Registration.   See the above link for additional details.

Here is the list of Participants: XL Dieppe Players List 2013 06 22   Latest Revision, 2013 06 22.

PLEASE NOTE:  This is a personal request to each player.  IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO, PLEASE, send along your BIO to  Let’s make sure we get the very best from this event.  Believe me, I, and others, would like to know just a bit about the Shufflers we will be playing.    Oh yes, please also send along a pic of yourself!!

Stan McCormack.  2013 06 22 21:17

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